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Embodied lines (2).jpg

28 Jul 2022 - 1 Oct 2022

Tues - Sat 10:30am - 5:30pm

@Science Gallery London, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9GU


Free Entry


Embodied Lines is an exhibition that uses arts-based methods to explore how different types of violence at intimate, urban and national levels are experienced through the body. Social scientists have worked together with artists, activists, migrants and South London residents to explore complex research questions around violence in its physical, psychosocial, structural, and interpersonal forms. This project is an example of co-produced participatory action research: all collaborators work together to research a question without privileging one type of knowledge over another. The display weaves together three sites, including works from 'Endz n' Out'. The gentrification and urban renewal of South London is placed alongside the politics of space in Palestine/Israel in relation to its indigenous people, whilst a third element recounts Latin American migrant women’s experiences of interpersonal and border violence in England.


 27th September 2021 - 20th October 21

Free Entry, open Mon-Friday from 9.00- 6.00pm

@ The Exchange, King's College London,Bush House North East Wing, Aldwych , WC2B 4BG

Due to COVID-19, this exhibition is open to King's College London staff and students only.

Visit ‘Endz n’ Out: Growing up during neighbourhood change’, an exhibition and research project that tells the story of urban regeneration and gentrification and its impacts on the mental health and wellbeing of young people in South London.  


Produced by a team of young researchers from Southwark and Lambeth, the photography exhibition and zine draw attention to their experiences and ideas about how changing neighbourhoods influence young people’s lives.  We invite you to explore and critically interrogate who urban regeneration policy is designed for.

27th October 2021

11am – 5pm 

@ REACH Festival

Dexters Adventure Playground, 6 Montego Close, Brixton SE 24 0LH

We'll be exhibiting at the REACH Festival for Young People.

The REACH Festival for Young People brings young people together to discuss their experiences during the pandemic and, most importantly, what we need to do now to enable young people to thrive. In collaboration with The Big Kid Foundation, we will be hosting a variety of workshops, music, competitions, food and much more!

We'll also be joined by some very special guests including, A Collective Sound, Breaking Mad Team, Soothsayers and Youthsayers!

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This event is supported by: LISS DTP; The Exchange, The Department of Geography, and The Centre for Doctoral Studies, King’s College London.

Saturday, 4th September 2021

11am – 4pm 

@ 198 Contemporary, 198 Railton Road SE24 0JT


Free Entry


Join us for the launch of ‘Endz n’ Out’, a research project that tells the story of urban regeneration and gentrification and its impacts on the mental health and wellbeing of young people in South London.  


Produced by a team of young researchers from Southwark and Lambeth, the photography exhibition and zine draw attention to their experiences and ideas about how changing neighbourhoods influence young people’s lives.  We invite you to explore and critically interrogate who urban regeneration policy is designed for.


Pick up a copy of the zine and have your photo taken in our drop-in community photo studio.

For the continued safety of our visitors, staff and team, we continue to encourage visitors to wear face coverings (unless exempt) and to maintain social distancing. We will ensure the venue is well-ventilated and limit the number of visitors in the space at one time. 

Please do not attend the event if you have any COVID-19 symptoms or currently have COVID-19.

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